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The Ophthalmic Anesthesia Society and Orbital Blocks, LLC bring you a dedicated Ophthalmic Block Workshop to learn and or refine your skills providing Orbital Blocks for ophthalmic surgeries.

Orbital Anatomy

Gain an in depth understanding of the orbital anatomy, including the spatial relationship of the vital orbital structures including the extraocular muscles, cranial nerves, vascular supply, fascial sheaths, and the globe.

Ophthalmic Block Techniques

We will review ophthalmic block techniques and use a Geometrical Method to calculate a more precise repeatable needle placement in the orbit for effective anesthesia distribution. We will describe the following block techniques:  

  • Infratemporal Intraconal and Extraconal Blocks 
  • Supratemporal and Medial Caruncle Extraconal Blocks

Hands-on-Simulation Training

Engage in a comprehensive hands-on simulation training session covering the orbital block techniques, discussed in the block lecture. The simulation Workshop will allow the participant to apply their knowledge of the orbital anatomy and block techniques and develop their procedural competence in administering the blocks, while emphasizing safety. 

$750 per person


HYATT PLACE ORLANDO AIRPORT, 5435 Forbes Place, Orlando, FL 32812, USA

Discounted hotel rates are available for OAS attendees on Friday, September 6, 2024

 Book your hotel room here 
or call Reservations Center at 1-888-591-1234 with the group code G-OAS1

$125 rate plus 12.5% Tax

Self parking Rate of $15 per night plus tax

Last Day to Book: August 20, 2024

Complimentary shuttle to and from Orlando MCO Airport

Complimentary breakfast for overnight guests


Saturday, September 7, 2024

7:00 AM - 3:00 PM


Event Space 1

 7:30 AM Orbital Anatomy
Randy Harvey, BS, RRT, APRN, CRNA, FAANA, Orbital Compliance Group, LLC
  • Examine orbital anatomy, including the identification and function of the extraocular muscles, muscles of the eyelids, cranial nerves innervating ocular structures, vascular supply, fascial sheaths, and the anatomical features of the orbital fossa.
  • Illustrate knowledge of orbital anatomy, distinguishing between the vital orbital structures and the needle placement for effective anesthesia delivery for ophthalmic surgery.

 9:30 AM Break 
 9:45 AM Ophthalmic blocks
  • Differentiate between Orbital block techniques including intraconal and extraconal approaches, from the infratemporal, supratemporal and medial caruncle insertion sites for safe and effective orbital anesthesia.
  • Explain administering orbital blocks, particularly focusing on the Intraconal and Extraconal anesthetic techniques, applying a comprehensive understanding of orbital anatomy and injection methods to optimize patient comfort and procedural outcomes in ophthalmic surgeries.

 11:45 AM Lunch 
 12:45 PM Simulation Training
  • Participants will engage in hands-on simulation training to proficiently perform the Infratemporal Intraconal, Extraconal approach, and the Supratemporal, Medial Caruncle Extraconal approach for orbital blocks, integrating anatomical knowledge and procedural skills to ensure appropriate needle placement and effective anesthesia delivery.
  • Through interactive workshop sessions, participants will refine their technique and enhance procedural competence in administering orbital blocks, specifically focusing on the Infratemporal Intraconal, Extraconal techniques, and the Supratemporal, Medial Caruncle Extraconal approaches, fostering confidence in providing safe and precise anesthesia for ophthalmic surgeries

 2:45 PM Workshop Concludes 

Randy Harvey, BS, RRT, APRN, CRNA, FAANA
Orbital Compliance Group

Mr. Harvey completed his anesthesia training at the Duke University in 1980. His practice included multi-specialty hospitals through 2017, while specializing in Ophthalmic Anesthesia since 1982. He served as the Chief of Anesthesia for the Florida Eye Clinic ASC from 1985 to 2023. He continues to practice through Orbital Compliance Group, LLC providing Locums anesthesia services, Educational programs and Consulting services.

Mr. Harvey is a founding member of the Ophthalmic Anesthesia Society and has since served the OAS in multiple board positions, including lectures and workshops at the annual meetings. He has been lecturing on Ophthalmic Anesthesia since1986 and has performed over 60,000 orbital blocks in his career. Mr. Harvey developed an orbital eye simulator and with NWAS developed an Ophthalmic Block Workshop which ran continuously from 1991-2019. In 2008 he presented a poster presentation at the OAS Annual Meeting titled, “A Geometrical Method Applied to an Orbital Block”.

Mr. Harvey coproduced a video based on the Geometrical technique which was accepted by the American Academy of Ophthalmology Network One in 2013. In 2020-2023, he launched an accredited on-line Ophthalmic Block Training Program, utilizing a 3-D orbital eye model. Mr. Harvey authored the original chapter on Ophthalmic Anesthesia in 1997 for the textbook “Nurse Anesthesia” and multiple chapters since, including the 7th edition, published in 2022. He was the recipient of the AANA’s Outstanding Clinical Practitioner Award in 2016, for his work in Ophthalmic Anesthesia and inducted as a Fellow of the AANA in 2022.


CRNA Class A

6.0 Credit Hours

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists

This program has been prior approved by the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology for 6.00 Class A CE credits; Code Number 1044579; Expiration Date 9/7/2024.

Participants will receive a certificate of attendance.

The program is not prior approved for CMEs

The OAS Ophthalmic Regional Block Workshop does NOT certify a participant to administer an ophthalmic regional block.

Clinical privileges to administer an ophthalmic regional block must be approved by the governing body of the facility in which the participant practices.



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