Board Of Directors OFFICERS President Dr. Maggie Jeffries is a private practice anesthesiologist in Houston, Texas. She received her anesthesia training at Johns Hopkins University, during which she served as a resident member of the American Society of Anesthesiology and the ACGME Resident Review Committee that reviews and certifies residency programs. Following graduation, she became an assistant professor at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, where she specialized in pediatrics and neuroanesthesia. During that time, she was an active contributor to diverse areas of research, including cerebral oximetry, post-dural puncture headache, infectious disease, and liver failure. She is a published author in several national journals, including Regional Anesthesia, Journal of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia, The Neurologist, and Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, The Neurologist, Liver Transplantation and Surgery, and Anesthesiology News. In private practice since 2010, Dr. Jeffries has extensive experience in anesthesia for ambulatory and office-based surgery. A partner in Avanti Anesthesia, she is active in all aspects of medical care including medical director, medication & equipment ordering, electronic documentation, and quality improvement. Secretary Treasurer Past President, George Dumas, MD
Executive Director | Directors Tina Tran, MD Elaine Liew, MD Vinod Singh, MD Dr Singh was born in India and graduated from Gujarat University, following which he did his residency in Internal Medicine in India. He subsequently trained in Anesthesiology and Critical care from the prestigious Cambridge University in England, obtaining his fellowships in Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Internal Medicine (FRCA, FFICM, MRCP). He moved to the United States in 2013 practicing Anesthesiology and Critical care at University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). He has more than ten years of clinical experience in critical care, with special interest in Neuro-critical care and Ophthalmic anesthesia that he practiced at Callahan Eye Foundation, one of the largest tertiary centers for ophthalmic surgeries in the south. He practices at the Veterans Affairs Hospital at Birmingham, Alabama continuing his interest in Surgical ICU and Ophthalmic anesthesia. Along with other societies related to Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Dr Singh is also a board member of the Ophthalmic Anesthesia Society, is board certified in Internal Medicine and currently pursuing board certification through alternate pathway in Anesthesiology. He resides in Vestavia, AL with his wife, her parents and two high schoolers! Brenton Rains, CRNA |